Happy to invite you all to the opening of Portable Landscapes: Unweaving the Iron Curtain, next Thursday, 20.6. at District Berlin.
Apart from my golden oldie “A bit of a Complex Situation” (which I already had the privilege of contributing to the Riga edition of Portable Landscapes last year), I am showing my poster-flyer “Letters to Gabi”. I initially made the poster based on an email conversation with East German feminist artist Gabriele Stötzer in 2013 (developed back then as an intervention into the archive of “Up till now!” an exhibition on performance art in the former East at GfzK Leipzig).
I am happy to dig it out for this occasion, because a) if fits really well with the exhibition’s premise of interrogating Eastern European dissident and artist perspectives and biographies from a present day political and artistic point of view, and b) because it picks up on a line of interest in my work (East art histories) that has been an important, if not super visible aspect of my work, and that I am looking forward to picking up on and intensifying in the coming year/s.
Would be great to see you there!